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Pharmacology II teaches the students about the Use of sterile and nonsterile procedures to count, measure, and compound medications. This course covers the correct process when compounding non-sterile and sterile preparations. This course provides the framework of learning the terminology related to the pharmacy as well as the anatomy and disease states related to drug administration.
Course Prerequisites: Pharmacology I.
Course Texts: National Pharmacy Technician Training Program, 6th Edition by Kenneth W. Schafermeyer, RPh, PhD
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Differentiate among the various types of managed care prescription programs
- Describe the purpose of the various types of managed care prescription program coverage limitations
- Describe the three components of prescription reimbursement
- Explain the purpose of patient cost sharing and differentiate among various types
- Identify and prevent data-entry errors in managed care prescription claims
- Resolve problems with claims adjudication and reconciliation
- Understand the use of manual or electronic prescription signature logs
- Describe how to place general orders for merchandise
- Understand the guidelines for ordering prescription medications from other pharmacy departments
- Identify outdated merchandise
- Understand the procedures for returning merchandise
- Stock and maintain pharmacy shelves
- Understand how to perform all needed cash register functions
- List the major OTC categories and subcategories in the pharmacy
- Describe the drug-distribution systems in hospitals and long-term care facilities
- Follow the procedures for repackaging medications
- Recognize the compliance aids stocked in the pharmacy department
- Recognize differences between sterile product prescriptions and other types of prescriptions
- Describe the types of therapies administered at home that may require a community pharmacy to provide sterile products
- Use correct procedures to maintain the sterile product compounding environment
- Label sterile product prescriptions accurately
- Use sterile product compounding supplies correctly
- File records relating to sterile product compounding and billing correctly
- Comply with regulations related to compounding of sterile pharmaceutical products
- Identify word parts in medical terminology
- Define common medical prefixes, word roots and suffixes
- Use medical terminology
- List the organ systems in the body
- Recognize anatomical structure
- Describe the general functions of the body’s organ systems
- Use basic medical terminology associated with basic human anatomy and physiology
- Identify medical conditions consistent with each organ system
- Match generic and brand names correctly for the top 200 medications
- Identify the therapeutic class for the top 200
- Identify the most common uses for the top 200 medications