Lesson 1: Motherboards
understanding of motherboards and their expansion slots.
- Introduction to PCs
- Motherboards and Expansion Slots
Lesson 2: Bios and Startup
This lesson covers what happens when your computer first starts up and why.
Lesson 3: RAM
This lesson will help you understand the different types of RAM.
Lesson 4: Storage Solutions
This lesson explores the different storage options and how they work for your computer.
- Storage Options
- Troubleshooting Hard Drives
Lesson 5: CPUs
This lesson covers the basics of the CPU (Central Processing Unit), how they work and how to install and configure a CPU in your computer.
- Understanding the CPU
- Understanding Power Supplies
- Cooling Technologies
Lesson 6: Connectors and Connections
This lesson introduces you to all of the different types of connectors and cables that can be used for your computer.
- Peripheral Connectivity Options
Lesson 7: Peripheral Devices
This lesson covers peripheral devices, describing all of the different hardware that can be connected to your computer.
Lesson 8: Display Devices
This lesson describes different types of display technology and how to configure and troubleshoot them.
- Display Technologies
- Troubleshooting Displays
Lesson 9: Different Computer Form Factors
This lesson discusses the different requirements and options available for different types of computers
- Selecting Appropriate PC Options
- Troubleshooting PC Issues
Lesson 10: Introduction to Networking
This lesson teaches you to identify different types of networks and network devices, and about basic network functionality.
- Introduction to Networking
- Introduction to Networking Devices
Lesson 11: Network Protocols and Cabling
This lesson covers network protocols, and goes into detail on setting up an IP addressing scheme using either IPv4 or IPv6.
- Understanding Networking Protocols
- Network Cabling and Connector Options
Lesson 12: Wireless Networking
This lesson discusses the benefits of wireless networks and how to mitigate some of the related drawbacks.
- Wireless LAN Technologies
- Understanding Network Roles
Lesson 13: Broadband Routers
This lesson explains how to install and configure a broadband router in a small office or home office scenario.
- Configuring a Broadband Router
Lesson 14: Internet Connections
This lesson discusses the different options for connecting to the internet, and how to make the best use of them, as well as basic troubleshooting.
- Internet Connectivity Options
- Cabling Tools
- Troubleshooting Networking
Lesson 15: Mobile Computing
This lesson introduces information on portable computers like laptops, and some of the special hardware and considerations that you need to take into account when using them.
- Understanding Mobile Computers
- Understanding Laptops and Laptop Expansion
- Maintaining Laptops
Lesson 16: Portable Computer Hardware
This lesson describes different types of computer hardware that can go into a portable computer.
- Servicing Laptop Components
- Laptop Displays
Lesson 17: Printers
This lesson explains all the different types of printers, print drivers, and connection options that you use when installing a new printer.
- Introduction to Printers
- Printer Configuration and Networking
Lesson 18: Printer Maintenance
This lesson teaches you about printer installation and maintenance procedures.
- Installing and Servicing Printers
Lesson 19: Troubleshooting Printers
This lesson describes basic troubleshooting for printers, introducing some common issues that you might run into, and how to solve them.
Lesson 20: Miscellaneous Tools and Connectors
This lesson covers various computer connectors, converters and memory cards.
- CLI tools, Various Cables, and Memory Cards
Lesson 21: Troubleshooting Peripheral and Mobile Devices
This lesson covers computer peripherals and mobile devices and how to troubleshoot common problems with these devices.
This lesson covers the following:
- Computer Peripherals and Mobile Devices