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Prep for the Microsoft Office Specialist (77-418) certification exam
Course Overview: In this course, students will learn how to create professional-looking documents using Microsoft Word. There are numerous options that allow customization of document appearance. Students will learn how to enhance the appearance of text by using different formatting and font options.  A number of different objects can be added to documents to help increase readability and functionality, and also improve their appearance. For example, tables are a great way of sorting and organizing data to make it easier to read and analyze. Students will learn how to insert tables into a document, enter text into a table, and edit tables.
Prerequisite-Individuals wanting to take this program should have a basic knowledge of  

* Introduction to Windows
Expected Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Perform Basic Tasks in Word 
  2. Sequence the steps to create and save documents.
  3. State the correct way to cut/copy, and paste text using the Ribbon.
  4. Identify how to change the appearance of text in a document using options on the Ribbon.
  5. Sequence the steps to add headers, footers, and page numbering to a document.
  6. Describe ways to create lists in documents.
  7. Describe ways to add hyperlinks to documents.
  8. Sequence the steps to create a table in a document.